Endodontic Treatment

Top 5 Reasons You Might Need Endodontic Treatment

Root Canal treatment, commonly called endodontics, is a procedure meant to treat a damaged or infected tooth. This enables the elimination of the bacteria within a tooth. It also helps to stop the pain and return the tooth to normal functions. Richmond endodontics specializes in this essential treatment. Here are the top five reasons you might need endodontic treatment. 

Severe Tooth Decay

Dental caries occur because of the bacteria exhibited in your mouth, which causes the formation of acidic products that dissolve teeth slowly. This results in the formation of cavities that are dreadful if not treated, which results in a lot of damage being done. It becomes even more painful and sensitive when a tooth has developed decay at the root level or the pulp. Endodontics is required when decay extends to the pulp of the tooth. It aids in removing the infected tissue and shapes, smoothing the inside of the tooth, and cementing the tooth to avoid other complications.

Large Fillings

When a cavity is left for a long time, it will need a big filling to repair the hole made in the tooth. Large files can compromise the structural integrity of the teeth in question and may cause more problems. The tooth might even become susceptible to infections and/or any form of damage at some point in time. Suppose a tooth has been treated several times with fillings or has some extensive caries. Then, an endodontic treatment will be required to save the tooth mainly.

Endodontic Treatment

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

Teeth can crack or chip for one reason or another. It can be due to an accident, biting on hard substances, or experiencing some sort of trauma. Aging teeth with small cracks or chips can be treated with bonding. Dentists can use crowns in some cases. However, imagine if the pulp within the tooth is exposed. Then, the only treatment for the tooth in question is endodontic therapy. This treatment aims to solve pain occasioned by the damaged nerve and get the tooth back to normalcy.

Repeated Dental Procedures

A tooth might be more susceptible to problems if several restorative treatments have been done on it, such as filling or capping. When operating on the same tooth, dental health lessens, and the tooth can become infected easily. Endodontic treatment is required if a tooth requires multiple operative treatments and remains unhealthy.

Gum Recession

Gum recession happens when your gums move away from your tooth. This can expose the tooth’s root, make your tooth sensitive, or cause an infection. If you have an infection, your tooth can hurt, giving you constant chilling pain and causing a lot of discomfort. Hence, a professional visit with the doctor can be really helpful.


By now, it must be clear how important dental health is. They matter a lot in deciding your overall health condition. Suppose your teeth are hurting or sensitive. Then, it’s a really good idea to visit your dentist. All of these are their specialties. They know what exactly to do to reduce any chances of pain in teeth. They can check what’s wrong. Besides, they will see if you need endodontic treatment. 

Fixing these problems early helps save your tooth. Never ignore any difficulty you are facing. They will become worse with time. The right treatment keeps your mouth healthy. Taking care of your teeth now prevents bigger problems later. This way, you will have good teeth even when you age. This proactive approach helps preserve the function and appearance of your teeth.